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I really liked the idea of a puzzle games especially since not many other groups decided to go that route. The puzzles were enjoyable to solve and I thought it was a great game overall.

This puzzle game was fun to play and I enjoyed the variety of puzzles that were featured. One thing I noticed was that some maps felt a little dull with nothing in the room whole some maps had many different items/buildings lying down making that map feel more like a world. Overall, I thought it was a good game.

I loved the gameplay and also the overall concept of the game. The setting is well-developed and each of the different stages the player has to go through are both fun to play and tie in well with the story. My favorite was the one where you had to rearrange the tiles to correctly form a puzzle

I played this game for beta testing and I was able to see the huge improvement for the game. I really like the idea of trying to find who you are.I also like the idea that for each game you could play some mini games which make the game become more diverse. 

i think the interaction with certain objects in this game is very cool. I like the ominous feeling of no music and all you hear is other surroundings. Though I do feel that at some point there should be some kind of music, so the game won’t feel empty? If that makes any sense?

I also had an idea for future work with additional content. I think it would be cool if figuring out the first person is like Level 1. Then for level 2, and so on, you have to figure out the identity of new people. 

The concept of the game is really interesting and having multiple puzzles for the player to play offers great variety. I love how the camera feels and giving us the option to rotate the camera was a nice addition to the game, but I do think that the camera rotation could be a little faster. I like how there's no set direction to the map, and it forces the player to explore to find all the clues.

When I first entered the game, I was impressed by the map setting. The map is very complete with some of the objects being interact-able. The character also has the running action rather than just moving parallel without any actions. One thing I found interesting is that there are several puzzles, making the game more interesting. 

Some suggestions I would give is that it feels uncomfortable when I need to manually adjust the viewing angle. That being said, what I would suggest is a combination of the manual angle adjusting with the automatic camera view. In addition, it is hard for me to find which doors are enterable. So, I would also suggest mark the enterable door or make the enterable door very different from other doors so that people will not get bored trying each of the door.

Overall an inspirational game with very interesting puzzles.

The puzzles are really interesting, and the low poly assets look really matching with each other. For my gameplay experience, I am quite confused about what is the goal of the game at the beginning, and then I gradually realized I was doing what the title said with more and more clues shown after each puzzle was solved. It is really amazing since this kind of setting and storytelling makes me experience like I am actually in the game itself, and creates a mind flow that keeps me playing it and thinking about what might be revealed or happens next.

A little suggestion would be to make some route tracing, for example, the glowing effect that led you to the next room, or just make the content in the room some sort of random(any first room that I enter would be the first puzzle). The reason I suggest this is because, I waste about 5 mins to find the room that I can enter since certain doors are just locked at first and cannot enter, and the moving speed for the player is a little bit slow.

Overall the game is truly satisfying, and I really like it!

Loved this game! The camera angle was really good. I felt like the mini-games were challenging but doable. You guys had a lot of assets but it wasn't overwhelming. The only thing I would suggest is maybe adding a bit more color? It lacks a bit of vibrancy.

This was a simple yet really fun game! I loved that each mini game led to a clue for the ultimate ending so it kept the player engaged. I think it would be useful to have some sort of clues/arrows that serve as an indication to where they should go on the main street as it was a little difficult to find which house to go to. Other than that, it was a lot of fun to play!

I enjoy the aesthetic of the game setting around remembering one's past through puzzles. I liked how you incorporated a stale, down to earth setting into this theme which fits more into the idea of being in an unfamiliar place where everything seems bland and unrecognizable. I also enjoyed doing some of the puzzles and how each puzzles is very different from each other and also increasing difficulty with each puzzles. I do want to add on that I wish I could explore the zone a bit more and maybe not have puzzles in some rooms but just rooms or buildings that might have assets that would give clues as to who you are without doing puzzles.

Its cool that the player is learning their storyline as you progress through the game. The constant updates keeps the player on track and develops the storyline in a more digestible way. The assets were great but it looked like the player was able to walk through a few of them during the playthrough. 

In the future it might be cool to implement other characters and have some clues to throw off the player. Have them guess at the end when they think they gather enough clues to answer- the less clues gathered, the higher the score- kind of like the board game Clue. 

This game is upper intriguing and I LOVED how there are so many mini-games in it - there is so much to explore. The street is a genius idea to connect the mini-game rooms together cohesively. If you can add more characters to guess in the game, it would become a game I can play over and over. 

The puzzles in this game are very unique and interesting. I also really liked your use of different fonts as well as writing on the wall to drive the narrative of the game. The animations were very cool, and the plain looking assets you used really add to the overall mystery feel of the game. This is very nicely done. I also liked how you kept the manhole cover :)

I really like the concept of the game and having to solve multiple different puzzles. I think the simple and plain environment works really well with the story of the game. I like how the lamp for a house lights up after you finish it. I think it would have been cool if you spawned outside the house you finished instead of in the middle of the street again. Personally, I felt that the camera rotation was a little too fast. Also, maybe you could let the player try to guess who the character is at the end rather than just revealing it.

I like the idea of this game, similar to an escape room vibe and exploring different areas for clues. I had a chance to see this game in beta and you all improved and built more on top of it. Overall, the game is fun to play and has a great mystery/exploration aspect to it.

This is super cool! Not sure if this had any inspiration on it, but definitely reminds me of Life is Strange.I like the simplistic environment which makes it easy to realize what actually stands out, and unique storyline/reason behind controlling the player!